UNITAS Journal

Copyright and Ethics

A. Copyright

The authors keep the copyright of their work in the interest of advancing knowledge but if it is reprinted, they are expected to acknowledge its initial publication in UNITAS. Although downloading and printing of the articles are allowed, users are urged to contact UNITAS if reproduction is intended for non-individual and non-commercial purposes. Reproduction of copies for fair use, i.e., for instruction in schools, colleges and universities, is allowed as long as only the exact number of copies needed for class use is reproduced.


B. Editorial Policy

UNITAS welcomes submissions from all locations of the globe which are published in English, Philippine national and regional languages, and other foreign languages. Non-English language articles are required to submit an extended abstract in English containing the full argument rather than just a digest of the main idea.

Submissions to UNITAS are to follow the 9th edition of the MLA Style Manual. During the evaluation process, unless otherwise recommended by the double-blind peer reviewers to use a different documentation format, articles must be published following the MLA guidelines.


C. Ethical Policy

Every submission is assumed to have not been previously published and is not under consideration elsewhere for possible publication, unless it is a major submission meant as a reprint, and later approved for publication as such.

Plagiarism is the copying of large blocks of texts of someone’s work and representing them as one’s own. If plagiarism is ascertained after publication, the article may be withdrawn or retracted. Self-plagiarism or or duplication of passages without proper citation will be evaluated on a case-to-case basis.

After the protocols of peer review and editing, UNITAS may or may not ask the authors to review the article prior to publication due to constraints. Securing the publishing rights of all photos, images, or charts accompanying the article is the responsibility of the author.